10 Tips To Stop Fibromyalgia Dizziness and Balancing

What Causes Dizziness?

It is not totally obvious what causes equilibrium problems and lightheadedness in fibromyalgia. There are trigger points in the neck and jaw that can cause a feeling of faintness and unevenness. It happens because they affect the nerves that tell the brain where the body is in space. If these signals do not match with the signals from the eyes, this could cause lightheadedness and bewilderment.

People with fibromyalgia frequently have troubles maintaining blood pressure. Decrease in blood pressure (hypotension) causes light-headedness and feelings of vertigo. Hypotension is divided into diverse classifications according to when your blood pressure drops:

Orthostatic hypotension is the drop in blood pressure that occurs when you change from sitting or lying down to standing. Orthostatic hypotension can make you feel wobbly or woozy, and maybe even faded.

 –> One form of orthostatic intolerance is POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). It is explained as inability to a change of body place, from lying down to stand on two legs. There is a remarkable increase in heart rate together with an irregular fall in blood pressure. POTS originate from insufficient blood circulation that decreases the quantity of blood getting back to the heart when increasing.

 –> Neural mediated hypotension is a blood pressure anomaly brought on by a nervous system reflex. It can occur after exercise, a period of standing (or even just sitting upright), when exposed to a hot environment or a psychologically traumatic event. Neural mediated hypotension can cause symptoms such as chronic fatigue, faintness, intermittent fainting, vomiting, inability to exercise and cognitive dysfunction.

 –> Postprandial hypotension is the drop of blood pressure happening straightforwardly after eating. It is more liable to occur in people who have high blood pressure or disorders that affects the brain centers controlling the autonomic nervous system (heart rate, absorption, respiratory rate). Symptoms include dizziness, dizziness, vertigo, and falls.

Other causes of faintness are: a disease like a cold or the flu, hypersensitivity, low blood sugar, hyperventilation, nervousness, horror attacks and anemia.

70% of people with fibromyalgia have dizziness. When it occurs on a routine basis, like with fibromyalgia, harsh lightheadedness can really slow down your life. In order to solve this dizziness and imbalance issue some things can be done. In this post, I will give you ten instructions to stop vertigo

The word dizziness means different things to different people, for some people it means the faintness they experience, while for others it is used to describe the term of vertigo, they feel like everything is spinning around them.

Solution of lightheadedness depends on the type of dizziness you are experiencing and what is causing it. If you have missed previous post, about the most general causes of lightheadedness and poor balance in people with fibromyalgia, read it, first.

Tips to Stop Dizziness

Finding a way to stop or prevent feelings of dizziness can be a process of test and mistake. Here are 10 instructions to help:

1.Move Slowly

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If you are liable to suffer with dizziness, it is vital not to make any abrupt moves.

 –> When you are awake get out of the bed step by step, first, sit up gradually. Then, put your feet on the floor. Breathe for a moment. Gradually stand up and hang on to a steady surface. Calm down for a second and breathe before you try walking.

 –> Bend your legs first, when moving from a sitting position to a standing position. This will help get your flow of blood going. If you feel lightheaded after standing up, concentrate on an eye-level spot on the wall and breathe. Walk away when you feel steady. Use a bamboo or some type of support, if you need to.

2. Watch Your Diet :

Eat recurrent beneficial meals. Keep away from synthetic sweeteners and highly sweet or salty foods, caffeine, and alcohol. They can all add to feelings of lightheadedness, or even cause dizziness in people liable to light-headedness, dizziness and problems with balance.

3.Stay Hydrated :

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Lack of moisture can cause of dizziness, so drink a lot of water.  It is suggested to drink half your body mass of water every day. So if you weigh 100 pounds, you should drink 50 ounces of water a day.

4.Take a look at your medications :

Dizziness can be a adverse effect of some medications, including anti-seizure drugs, sedatives, tranquilizers, antihistamines, and blood-pressure medication. If you feel your dizziness is caused by your medication, talk to your doctor about substitute medications or changing your amount.

5.Breathe Deeply :

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Nervousness and tension can cause fast shallow breathing and can cause faintness. Deep breathing helps pacify nerves and reduce anxiety. It also regulates blood pressure, heart rate, circulation, digestion and many other bodily functions. In order to breathe deeply you should breathe deeply from the stomach. When you take deep breaths from the abdomen, somewhat than shallow breaths from your upper chest, you breathe in more oxygen.

6.Home Remedies :

Here are some of the home remedies that can help stop faintness.

 –> Ginger helps dizziness by regulation blood flow to the brain. Research has shown that ginger can reduce dizziness earlier than some over-the-counter medications. It also helps with vomiting and migraine headaches. Take ginger supplements, chomp on a small piece of uncooked ginger or have some ginger tea.

 –> Honey and apple cider vinegar will decrease the strength and brutality of dizziness. Do not think that I will work immediately, although, it works very efficiently in the long-standing. Apple cider vinegar controls blood sugar and blood pressure. Drink two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar together with two teaspoons of honey mixed in a glass of water three times a day.

 –> Lemon water with salt and black pepper are excellent for instant relief of dizziness. It also helps regulate pressure and vomiting. Drink 8 ounces of water mixed with 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and a bit of salt and black pepper.

 –> Ginkgo balboa increase blood flow within the inner ear so it helps correct some inner ear problems. This learning provides confirmation that Ginkgo biloba extract is at least as effectual as the world’s most regularly prescribed vertigo medication, betahistine

 –> Feverfew is known to help stop migraine headaches, which can cause faintness. Feverfew can also reduce blood pressure and reduce swelling within your inner ear. Herbalists state it helps with nausea, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ear) and many other conditions.

7.Treat Allergies –

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Hypersensitivities, blockage, and sinus pressure can make you lightheaded and add to problems with fluid in the inner ear. This is the reason I feel dizzy and tinnitus in my ear. To prevent fluid accumulation and causing real problems like relentless vertigo and hearing loss. I take allergy medication and water my nasal passages with a salt and water solution. The only allergy medication that helped by inner ear is, Zyrtec. I also use a Neti pot at least once a day, before going to bed. The Neti pot is s plastic pot that looks like Aladdin’s enchantment lamp.

8.Over-the counter Medications –

Two medications, , used to treat dizziness, vertigo and vomiting are and even you can buy them without a prescription,

  1. Meclizine, available as an over-the-counter medication commonly called Bonine or Antivert, was long used as a recommendation medication for dizziness. The drug is consider to help people who are liable to dizziness by lessening sensitivity in the balance centers of the central nervous system.
  2. Dimenhydrinate, known as Dramamine, is used for motion sickness. It settles the stomach and eases dizziness. Dimenhydrinate is often suggested for cases of vertigo.

9.Trigger Point Massage :

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Trigger points in the neck (sternocleidomastoid trigger points) cause symptoms such as headaches, stability problems, faintness, vomiting, sinus obstruction, auditory problems and visual disturbances. You can fix these problems in a simple way. It is good thing about it.

10. Repositioning Exercises :

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Canalith Repositioning maneuvers can help alleviate benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a condition in which you have short term but severe episodes of faintness that occur when you move your head. canalith repositioning maneuvers consists of several simple head drills. It is quite successful in relieving vertigo and works 80 percent or more of the time, after one or two treatments. Although a Canalith repositioning process is easy enough that you can do it at home, training from a medical professional is suggested to avoid damage. A neck or back injury is one threat of performing the canalith procedure wrongly.

Conclusion I really hope that one of these procedures will be useful for you. Keep in mind, you should know the cause of your dizziness only then you can find a solution..

Written by: Dr. Muniba Rana, MD MBBS, FUMDC.

Reference: Fibrodaze.com

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