New pain study offers hope for Lady Gaga & others with Fibromyalgia

Females are twice more expected to be affected by FM than males, but healthcare physicians are less expected to take women’s condition seriously, often letting go of FM symptoms like body wide stiffness, stinging, fatigue, numbness, migraines and digestive upset.

Others insist the disorder is agonizingly real.   “Psychological” is colloquially assumed to mean “fictional.” A lot of people consider psychological disorder as purely a creation of the imagination – that psychological pain, in other verses, is not real in the body. But the word “psychological,” defined merely as “concerning both body and mind,” relates to the full scale of mental and physical diseases, for the reason that all physical diseases have a psychological constituent (consider Broken Heart Condition or the statistically higher rate of clinical depression in cancer victims) and vice versa.

New study recommends that FM pain is psychological; the painful sensation is very real in the body, however it can be provoked by emotional trauma, more like the sorrow and disloyalty Lady Gaga said in “Five Foot Two.” That is for the reason that according to Dr. Howard Schubiner, director and founder of the Mind-Body Medicine Center at Providence Hospital, the brain controls emotional and physical pain the similar way.

“We can tell that there are 2 things that produce pain neuropathways. First is tissue damage and the second is feelings that trigger the exact same ache processes in the brain as physical wound,” he expressed to PhillyVoice.

Dr. Howard said that every time the pain was triggered by one of those 2 things or could also be caused by combination of both. However, since there is generally no tissue damage involved in FM, dealing with feelings that initiate what he called the brain’s danger alarm mechanism is more likely the only actual way to get rid of the pain, especially when other pharmaceutical, physical, and even psychosomatic interventions have been unsuccessful, as they usually do. The incompetence of such treatments is on full display in “Five Foot Two.” Lady Gaga, a celebrity millionaire with countless alternative and conventional therapy modalities at her disposal, is still in continuous pain.

“I usually think about the people who have possibly something like this that are struggling to understand what it is and they just do not have enough money to have anyone help them,” she cries, while getting what seems to be some kind of chiropractic manipulation in a scene from “Five Foot Two.”

In a post for The Atlantic, titled “Lady Gaga’s Disease Is Not a Metaphor,” Spencer Kornhaber supports the musical artist’s pain, writing “a poorly assumed but widespread illness that appears to inordinately affect women, FM is occasionally assumed to be psychological.” Netflix released the documentary “Gaga: Five Foot Two,” just a while ago, a close look at the iconic musician’s struggle to record “Joanne,” her 5th and personal best studio album, at the same time when she was fighting the relatively common but mysterious chronic pain disorder FM.

Dr. Howard Schubiner says “Many people’s physical pain is due to the way we’re conditioned to think about – and suppress – our emotions”.


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A New Approach

Dr. Howard, a developer in the field of mind-body treatment and the writer of “Unlearn Your Pain,” offers a new, much less aggressive treatment tactic called Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy, or EAET. He published a study in “Pain, The Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain,” recently, which highlights the triumph of the therapy, particularly compared to CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Treatment. Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy comprises of 1st educating patients about the connection between physical and emotional pain along with how emotional and physical pain are controlled similar in the brain.

Specialists ask patients to reveal the times when they have endured emotional pain and discover the connections they have seen in their lives among their physical and emotional pain, which, Dr. Howard notes, is usually substantial. “We are just working with the sensations of guilt, anger, compassion, sadness, and, of course, anxiety. Usually, these feelings aren’t acknowledged, recognized, processed, or expressed.

So we give patients workouts to do just that.” Such workouts, known as “Corrective Emotional Experiences,” contains processing frightening, suppressed and overwhelming sensations candidly and safely in a therapeutic setting. “Patients possibly will need to yell at their superior or even imagine tossing him out of a window,” Dr. Howard said. “Sufferers of sexual assault could express the wish to castrate their rapists and send them to prison where they themselves are assaulted.” A new wave of pain examiners like Dr. Howard consider that many people’s physical pain is because of the way we are inured to think about our feelings.

“To be noble people, we overwhelm our feelings. We are trained to think that anger is bad, but it is in fact a very healthy defensive mechanism,” Dr. Howard said. “It is only bad to act out of anger in real life. But it is in fact helpful to let those feelings to be processed and experienced.”

The Goal: Eliminate the Pain

Guilt usually goes hand-in-hand with rage in chronic pain sufferers, for the reason that much of the anger they feel is toward the ones they love, like to a child or a parent. There is a type of chronic pain character, as well. People predisposed to undergo chronic pain be likely to be sensitive perfectionists who are usually hard workers, like Lady Gaga. For the reason that they are very preoccupied with other’s perceptions and feelings, they just ignore their own emotional health. “People who have had challenging experiences in their lives usually have realized that they should not be, or cannot be, or do not tell how to be kindhearted toward themselves,” Dr. Howard explained.

The most promising and unique feature of Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy, related to other FM treatments, is its goal to entirely remove pain at the core, rather than just managing it or helping patients survive. “When people first hear such concepts, they typically react with rejection and disbelief. It requires a certain broadmindedness, bravery – and desperation, clearly – as it’s really hard for some people to question authority,” Dr. Howard says. “They have been told by a lot of doctors that their condition is either produced by injury or else it is not real, and the more they listen to this, the worse the pain turn out to be.” Dr. Howard says it is just a matter of time before this new pain paradigm is recognized totally by conventional medicine. He emphasized the history of once “radical” concepts that are now common practice.


Study: “Pain, The Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain,” New pain study offers hope for Lady Gaga, others with fibromyalgia bY ELIZABETH LICORISH  via PhillyVoice

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