First license granted to treat pain with Medicinal Cannabis

License to treat pain with medicinal cannabis given the go ahead

A license to treat chronic pain with medicinal cannabis has been granted here for the first time, it has emerged. A 3-month agreement was given the green light by the Department of Health to use Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) people in constant agony.

THC is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis. It is currently illegal to use medicinal cannabis here – but medical consultants can apply for the license on a case by case basis. A three month licence can be granted on foot of an application made directly to the Minister for Health under section 14 of the Misuse of Drugs Act.

Under guidelines from Chronic Pain Ireland, the THC would NOT be consumed via smoking. A patient would ideally take it by vaping or in their tea. Under the strict terms, a medical professional would administer a starting dose, monitor the patient and adjust the dose accordingly, they say. Patients will be placed under constant medical supervision.

Last February, Health Minister Simon Harris announced that he would implement a Health Products Regulatory Authority recommendation that cannabis-based products be made available to some patients with multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, and those suffering nausea in chemotherapy.

However, chronic pain was not included in Mr Harris’ plan. It was on this basis that Chronic Pain Ireland applied to the minister for a licence, for one of their members, along with their medical consultant.

There were no formal application guidelines from the Department of Health, so Mr McLoughlin created one from scratch. This is now available on Chronic Pain Ireland’s website.

The application included how THC would be administered, details of the patient’s medical consultant, and what dosage they would potentially start on.

The patient can take the medicinal cannabis either through tea or by vaping.

“Some people are desperate due to chronic pain,” said Mr McLoughlin. “I personally know of people who use cannabis for chronic pain. Some say it works, some say it doesn’t. But you must always go to your doctor.”

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Professor of pharmacology and therapeutics David Finn, who is also the co-director of the Centre for Pain Research at NUI Galway, said the granting of the licence was an “important development”.

“This is a very interesting and important development which demonstrates a recognition by Irish medical professionals and the minister for health of the potential therapeutic value of medicinal cannabis for the treatment of chronic pain,” said Prof Finn.

“Chronic pain is the most researched indication for cannabinoids, and the majority of clinical studies, meta-analyses and systematic reviews conclude that cannabis or cannabinoids can be effective in alleviating certain types of chronic pain.

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“Approximately 20% of the Irish population suffers from chronic pain, and up to 40% of patients report that the management of their pain is inadequate, either due to the limited efficacy of existing treatments or unacceptably high levels of side-effects.”

Solidarity-People Before Profit Alliance TD Gino Kelly has been a longtime campaigner for legalising cannabis for medicinal purposes and brought forward an opposition bill towards this end.

The Cannabis for Medicinal Use Regulation Bill 2016, is now entering its third stage of debate and will go before the Oireachtas health committee early next year. “The tide has now turned. It is a significant day for people with chronic pain in Ireland,” said Mr Kelly.

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Also Read: Marijuana Infused Gum for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Note: This story is re-published from the below mentioned sources. We don’t own copyright of it.

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