Morning Exhaustion and Fibromyalgia

You know the sentiment you are awaken up and it appears like you can’t even lift your head off your cushion. It’s the weakness and fatigue that comes with fibromyalgia. That’s what makes fibromyalgia so hard to live with.  It’s like fibromyalgia forces you to live half a life. At the same time as other people are off having enjoyment, you’re caught at home dealing with painful limbs and tremendous exhaustion.

Fibromyalgia fatigue feels like a constant state of weariness that diminishes your energy and mental capacity. The fatigue can be even more debilitating than the pain. The devastating weariness makes our body feel weighty and feeble; it contributes to brain fog increasing memory loss and forgetfulness.

The fatigue can be all the time or last for months on end. Many of us have trouble getting out of bed in the morning. And when you have the constant and painful condition known as fibromyalgia, you can increase that morning ache and morning tautness numerous times over. “People with fibromyalgia suffer from non-restorative sleep.

This means they can sleep a full eight to nine hours, but still wake up feeling as if they haven’t slept. In addition, fibromyalgia patients also undergo rigidity and pain, which makes movement painful in the morning.

Morning Exhaustion and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia sufferers need a purpose and reason to get up because the morning pain and exhaustion are overwhelming and although they know intellectually they will feel better when they will move. Physically and mentally they feel so week and some days they give in and don’t get up.

It seems like a shameful secret they don’t want anyone in their life to know, it makes them feel terrible so they pray and force themselves. Moving is a good thing. They would give anything to experience actual real energy to move. Lack of good quality sleep is a big part of the problem. Sleep problems are so common in fibromyalgia that symptoms such as waking UN-refreshed, fatigue, tiredness, and insomnia are included in the diagnostic criteria for FMS. For people with fibromyalgia, the condition itself causes exhaustion.

Other factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, lifestyle, and medications can make the fatigue worse. Fatigue is caused by your body trying to deal with the pain of fibromyalgia. The unvarying release of pain signals in your nerves causes you to grow up exhausted as your body fundamentally fights itself.

Furthermore, the fact that it is so difficult to sleep when you have fibromyalgia makes it hard to get any rest. And of course, that also causes serious fatigue. It’s quite easy to summarize why we’re worn out first thing in the morning, when healthy people feel revitalized and thrilled because we don’t sleep well. The achiness tends to be different from other fibromyalgia pain. It’s frequently more like the muscle pain a healthy person would feel the day after a really tiring activity or perhaps a trivial car accident.

It’s also possible that something a bit more complex is going on when it comes to fibromyalgia fatigue. Some study results on the causes of fibromyalgia is that, it is basically a blunder in your body’s immune system. The idea is that fibromyalgia is caused by your immune system attacking itself. And if you’ve ever had the flu, you know that when your immune system is active, it causes fatigue.

What you can do about it?

One of the quickest and easiest things you can do to lessen morning pain, stiffness, and other symptoms of fibromyalgia is harness the healing power of water. “Lukewarm showers or baths at bedtime and in the morning will help to relax muscles, and present a fair amount of break.

Stay in the warm water for at least 10 minutes to obtain maximum relaxation. Some people say they’re less rigid and painful in the mornings if they take a hot bath, perhaps with Epsom salt, previous to going bed. Others get relief by doing simple yoga or other stretches before sleep or before getting out of bed. It might also be medications, either for pain or sleep that make the variation. As with everything else, we need to experiment to find what works. Eating a nutritious diet is good for your overall well-being. Avoid sugary, fried and processed food which can leave you feeling bogged down. Cooking can make me feel exhausted.

On days I have more liveliness; I either make meals in advance or as a minimum do some of the prep work to make it easier. Thinking about a nightcap, a smoke, or a cup of coffee before bed? Think again. Caffine, alcohol, and nicotine can disturb soothing sleep, which can make soreness and morning tautness even worse the morning following. “Many experts agree that caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol will exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms due to their stimulatory effects on the body, especially if consumed just prior to sleep.

These should be avoided or ceased as much as possible. If you have the luxury, take a nap during the day. It can help you shake off some of the fatigue. But remember to not nap so much that you can’t fall asleep at night. One of the best ways to help you get a good night’s sleep is to condition your body to go to sleep at the same time every night. Pick a bedtime and stick with it. Eventually, your body will adjust to naturally get sleepy around that time.

This can help you get a more reliable rest. People frequently say that the exhaustion is horrible than the pain. But even if you are living with fibromyalgia fatigue, there are things you can do to help manage it.


  • What Causes Fibromyalgia Fatigue? by Wyatt Redd via Fibromyalgia Treating
  • Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Morning Stiffness, Pain & More By Adrienne Dellwo via Very Well


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