7 Common Nail Conditions Linked to Serious Diseases That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Everyone have their unique nail due to different genetics, but they do share some qualities. The similarities includes translucency of the nails. We all have light pink nails, due to collection of blood vessels beneath the nail plate. Your nails are not only important due to cosmetic reasons, in fact your nails be the source of some serious diseases as well.

Nutritional deficiencies such as anemia or diseases like thyroid diseases are indicated by yellow or brittle nails. Whenever you take any supplements your nails, skins and hairs are the last to get benefited from them. That’s why a nail issue can flag an issue in our bodies. Our nails are made up of protein known as keratin.

Note: Make sure you consult your doctor about any of the below mentioned treatments. Sometimes nail issues may be a sign of much more serious health issues. Among them are:

  • Yellow nails (chronic bronchitis)
  • Red nail bed (coronary illness)
  • White nail bed (liver infection)
  • Blue nail bed (blood flow issue)
  • Upward/bending nails (thyroid infection)
  • Fragile nails (hyperthyroidism/hypo)

Following are some nails conditions more often encountered now.


1. Yellow Nails

Girls who wear nail polish more than often and don’t allow their nails to breathe fresh air mostly have yellow nails. Yellow nails may also be due to deficiency in Vitamin E.


400 IU Vitamin E is needed to get rid of this condition.  You can also modify your diet and add vitamin E rich food in your diet like sweet potatoes, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds and wheat germ oil.


2. Fungus

When your nail framework and finger nail skin is constantly exposed to dampness and warmth then the end result is the growth of fungus in your nails. When there is nail fungus your nail gets thickened and part of your nail breaks from your nail bed repeatedly and your nails becomes yellowish, messy and greenish.


Soak your nails in antibacterial immaculate tea tree oil for 15 minutes daily until all the fungus is completely gone. An antifungal herb is also a good solution. Take 200mg case of myrrh, three times a day.


3. Vertical ridges

Vertical ridges are benign. A vitamin or mineral deficiency mainly leads to horizontal ridges. A general malnutrition is also the cause of horizontal ridges.


Use a few drops of almond oil to smooth out your nails. Use a chamois buffer to polish your nails. Buffering removes a thin layer of your nails so do not buffer them more than 4 times a week. Avoid traditional ridge fillers, they are mainly known for using synthetic chemicals like polyester resin.

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White spots mainly after any injury to the nail or they may occur due to deficient levels of zinc in the body.


Ms petty believes that a human body needs 50mg of zinc each day. Some enriched sources of zinc include red meat, peas and sesame seeds.


5. Soft nails that curl upwards

Soft nails that curl upwards point out towards too little iron in the body.


If through medical investigations it is proven that you are deficient in iron store then it is recommended that you should take 325mg of iron sulfate three times a day.


6. Horizontal dents or ridges

Dents point out that some medical condition like psoriasis, or any nutritional deficiency, trauma from any surgery or high fever has limited your nail’s ability to grow. Your finger nails may become brittle or discolored due to nutritional deficiencies. Ridges often result when you frequently hit your nails on some hard surface or pick at your cuticles.


For this condition enough protein e.g. 55 grams must be included in your daily diet. To help your nails to metabolize the ineffective protein vitamin A must b taken. To help strengthen your nails 3mg dietary silicon must be included in your diet.


7. Brittle nails

Lack of moisture or deficiency of biotin in the body is the cause of brittle nails.


Taking biotin Ultra 1mg can help the people with this condition. It must be taken two or three times a day. But it takes approximately 6 months to start working actually. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding refrain from taking biotin.

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  • 7 Common Nail Conditions Linked to Serious Diseases That You Shouldn’t Ignore via Health and Love Page
  • 7 Common Nail Conditions Linked to Serious Diseases That You Shouldn’t Ignore by Julia W via All Just You

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