You have good days and bad days with fibromyalgia (FM), start each morning assessing how you feel. Always be flexible. You never …
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I am a wife, mother and nana. I live my life for my family and pets. After 22 years in the healthcare field, I was forced to retire due to degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, total hip replacement, chronic migraine etc. I enjoy the ocean, crocheting, coloring, writing and pretty much anything to do with water. I live in Ohio, USA with my husband, my son, and many pets including 2 dogs, 1 cat and an African Grey parrot.
You have good days and bad days with fibromyalgia (FM), start each morning assessing how you feel. Always be flexible. You never …
Fibromas are more common among people who suffer from fibromyalgia. However, the reason behind this has not yet been fully understood. What …
Green bud, grey area: Medical cannabis consumers buy products directly from licensed producers, but they must pay for it out of pocket …
Where did I leave my keys? Why did I walk in this room? What is that word? I forgot your birthday? I …
The pain is totally unbearable. Especially at night! Three doctors, several tests, more Gabapentin. That is the end of the road. I …
Danielle Lloyd ’s mom Jackie breaks down in tears as she opens up about devastating diagnosis and life-changing invisible illness “Fibromyalgia” on …
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