The Invisibility of Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition which is least understood and difficult to diagnose even some doctors hesitant to acknowledge …
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The Invisibility of Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition which is least understood and difficult to diagnose even some doctors hesitant to acknowledge …
Constipation Everyone goes through it at some point in their life. It is characterized by slow bowel movements that happen more often …
Living with fibromyalgia or chronic pain can take its toll. Thinking, hearing, or saying the phrase, “I want to die,” or any …
Written by Amanda Shelley, She have an apology to make. She said I’d like to apologize to all the patients I saw in my years …
Laughter may not literally be the best medicine, but if it’s at least one of your coping tools. Bitter Fact: There’s nothing easy …
Fibromyalgia affects an estimated 10 million people in the United States, and symptoms include fatigue, pain and problems with cognitive functioning (aka “fibro …
I am a fibromyalgia warrior and so are you. Hope it can make people less guilty. Do you remember when…. you could …
People with FM deal with a great amount of chronic pain resulting from muscle stiffness and soreness. This can be incapacitating, as …
It is a quite intricate, very real physical disease, and one that for years has caused ambiguity, misunderstanding and even dismissal by …
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