Infectious disease outbreaks like coronavirus (COVID-19), can be worrying. This can affect your mental state, physical state, and emotional state. Coronavirus is affecting the lives of people living with different health conditions, either chronic illness or mental illness. This epidemic has affected everyone directly or indirectly. It added the miseries for the people with health issues. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people.
We asked a question to our community (Living with Fibromyalgia and chronic Illness) that “How coronavirus outbreak affecting your health? (Physical, mental). What difficulties we people have to face or facing due to it. How is it difficult for our health”. Lots of members shared their thoughts and highlight the stress factors that COVID-19 outbreak causes in their life. Let me tell you, stress is linked with a fibromyalgia flare-up.

To sum up, most of the responses here is a short summary. You may notice some of the following:
- > increased anxiety
- > feeling stressed
- > finding yourself excessively checking for symptoms, in yourself, or others
- > having trouble sleeping
- > feeling helpless or a lack of control
- > having irrational thoughts
- > becoming irritable more easily
- > Psychological distress
- > feeling insecure or unsettled
- > fearing that normal aches and pains might be the virus
Also Read: 10 Measures People with Fibromyalgia Should take in this COVID-19 Epidemic
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Here is what community share with us related to coronavirus:
1. Very stressful. I work retail so we’re still open like nothing is happening. My anxiety is through the roof and people all around me are getting sick so I can’t just not go to work. 4 coworkers are already in voluntary quarantine. Ones waiting for a testing site to allow her to go. Fibro flares have been getting worse with the stress. -Kayla
2. Coronavirus is affecting both physical and mental health. I’m a nurse so have to go to work. my anxiety levels are through the roof, my depression is getting worse and my pain and fatigue is increased massively. I’ve stopped ibuprofen due to advice and struggle to get through to Drs on the phone to have gabapentin increased. Difficult times for everyone but we all have to just try and remain positive with this huge crisis we are in. Stay safe everyone ❤. – Rhona
3. I’ve been super anxious which is causing my fibro symptoms to flare. I bought a Rubik’s cube recently and it really helps me distress so I’ve been doing that like crazy. – Megan
4. I’m ok, I still have to go to my city center here for work so I can only isolate so much but my kids are probably going crazy. My son misses 4k -Noelle
5. My worst problem is food access. I normally order groceries for delivery…and now there are significant delays. Also, I can’t go to PT for 2 months. – Magen
Also read:
- > Things that I have discovered help me deal with my Fibromyalgia
- > Developing a Daily Routine For Fibromyalgia Relief
6. A cashier at Grocery store. People have gone crazy. There is no break between customers. So standing there without being able to stretch or walk a little is making everything hurt. I like to face stock a little or clean. Keeps me moving. Then there are customers who are so hard to deal with. More than usual. Puts a lot of stress on you. Had a lady today. I just start scanning her stuff. She yells stop. Could you use sanitizer before you touch my stuff. I looked at her. Didn’t you just see me do that and point to bottle. ? Do they think they are only ones that touch that product?hmm. Sorry for rant. Hugs – Dena
7. My stress level is through the roof. Not working isn’t a choice for me, unless we shut down. I work in a Pre-School, and my hands are cracked and dry from washing them so much. My nerves are cracked and dry, as well. -Debi
8. My problem is I like to stay busy.. the more busy I am the less I focus on my pain or myself. Now I’m stuck at home focused on that very thing. Watching the news, reading people’s Facebook pages, seeing companies shut down because of all this. Now I’m stressing because financial services and people are going to suffer so much because of all this.. I’m not so worried about catching it. I live in a very small area. I’m a people person.. I haven’t been able to people.. that’s stressing me out.. – Leslie
9. I was traveling abroad on a nice cruise ship. I was relaxing and enjoying the trip till the world went into lock down. I stressed a little bit but reminded myself that weakens my immune system. So I stayed calm, got home. I am in quarantine with plenty to get me through the 14 days. I will do yoga, walk my dogs and eat healthy. – Emiley
Also Read:
- > Fibromyalgia and Stress, and how it affects
- > 10 Measures People with Fibromyalgia Should take in this COVID-19 Epidemic
- > Research : Psychological Distress Can Be Intensely Felt in Fibromyalgia Patients
- > Fibromyalgia links with depression and anxiety
- > Hope for millions with fibromyalgia as new gut bacteria test could diagnose condition faster
10. It’s not doing great things for me. I’m pregnant so my hormones and emotions are all over the place already. My mother-in-law is also here- she was supposed to leave 4 days ago but is nervous and unsure of what to do so she’s still here, and it’s driving me up the wall as I’m now working from home. She’s sweet and means well, but I’m super on edge already, and in pain, so I’m having pretty much daily breakdowns ? – Cat
11. Went to the doctor last Friday for cellulitis and she told me to go home and stay home because of coronavirus outbreak. I’m so sick of worrying about my children who can’t help but be exposed because they are at work. My health is one thing after the other and I’m sick of being sick. – Norris
12. I’m not too worried about getting coronavirus as I’m washing my hands endlessly and practicing social distancing & isolating, but I am worried about how long my last roll of toilet paper is going to last. -Katrine
13. It doesn’t help when everyone at home is paranoid. It plays on my nerves. -Tina
14. I’m stressing and have Pain associated with that. I just can’t help it. I have to cancel my vacation and I’ll probably lose the airfare cause trip insurance doesn’t cover coronavirus pandemics (go figure). I was really looking forward to warmth. -Sandi
15. Very stressful here and physically and mental draining. Sadly I have to take my son to a testing tent first thing in the morning and pray he doesnt have the coronavirus! Doing a lot of worrying and praying right now! -Race
Also Read: Tips to household chores to avoid fibromyalgia flare
>> These 14 claims about Coronavirus are VIRAL, but MISLEADING
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Few Suggestions to fight coronavirus:
- If you are taking any prescription medications, make sure you have enough.
- Stay informed but set limits for news and social media
- Keep up your healthy routines
- Stay connected to others via social media, email, calls and messages
- Try to anticipate distress and support each other
- Stay hygienic, wash your hand properly and wear the dress for at most 2 days.
- Try not to make assumptions.
- Remind yourself that this is a temporary period of isolation to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
Related Article:
A Letter To all the Non-Believers of Fibromyalgia
For support, venting, discussion, Question Answers Join our friendly community “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic illness”

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[…] Difficulties people with chronic illness are facing due to Coronavirus outbreak […]