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12 ‘Harmless’ Comments That Actually Hurt People With Fibromyalgia

Comments That Actually Hurt People With Fibromyalgia

Comments That Actually Hurt People With Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia has changed me in many different ways, most of the time i don’t feel like my own age and according to some people i don’t look my age either but its surprising what a fake smile and some make up can do, it can make you look like a normal, happy and healthy person, but that is not how i feel at all, i feel weak and tired and no energy and in alot of pain with no cure and very little treatment that hardly never works and unable to get on with everyday life like others, i feel lost and isolated and i just feel like i am existing but not truly living in this world.

Fibromyalgia is a miss understood disease and major issue almost everyone faces here is lack of understanding and support. If you are living with fibro or other chronic illness you heard such harmless comments which actually shattered heart into million pieces and push your spirits down. 

We asked a question “Hurtful comments aren’t always obvious. What’s one “harmless” thing someone has said to you about your fibromyalgia?” to our Facebook group “Living With Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness” and asked them to share their feelings and experience with us related to this question. They have shared their feeling with us and we have compiled a list of their comments below.

Most of us heard that its all because of their weight, lose the weight and you will be fine. People don’t believe in them and saying that they are lying and making excuses to do work. It’s all in your head. You never had chemo or radiation, so what you had can’t be considered cancer (FYI it is). Are you just stupid or mental? If you have that many mental illnesses you should be in a hospital. If your that fat why don’t you diet and exercise. (I have multiple illnesses that prevent me from exercising.) Your only 26, how are you that sick? Are you faking it because you want attention? And so many more.

At some point or another, you have definitely heard these. People don’t realize it’s just as frustrating for those of us with this ridiculous condition. What I wouldn’t give to wake up just one morning, just one, and not be in pain.

Here is what community share with us:

1. You’re Always Sick

2. You are Not trying hard

3. Lose some weight


Related Article: Also Read


4. Its a Mental Thing

5. Doesn’t everyone feel tired?


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6. Do Exercise

7. “You’re so young! “

8. It’s not that bad

9. You’re Lying.

10. “At least it’s not cancer”

11. Who told you?

12. Eye Roll -Making us feel Guilty

I think these comments pretty much follow anyone with a ‘hidden’ disease and some that don’t have hidden diseases too. Let us know in comments if you heard any of these or something else… Do share with your friends and family to let them know they are hurting us..

Related: 7 Stages of Grieving in Fibromyalgia

For support and Discussion join the group “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness”

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Invisible Illness Awareness T-shirt: Most of people don’t believe on fibromyalgia, they say its all in your head. You also have faced such people in your life. Sometime people ask from you about your illness, so that is our time to explain what fibromyalgia is like because they have not experience what we are experiencing. Fibromyalgia is Real, let show this to world by wearing this purple shirt. Get 1 for your friends too and save on shipping. Available in different colors too. Click Here to get this T-shirt

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