Juice cleansing for fibromyalgia symptoms relief-Tips for Detox success

by M G Rana, MD.

Digestive system holds your toxins

Your digestive system is where your body holds the toxins as it tries to release them from your body, by doing a cleanse you are just expediting the process for your body. A cleanse offers a way for your body to quickly and more efficiently get rid of the toxic material in your digestive system so you can replace those cells with nutrition and energy.

Restarting your body is a great way to give your immune system a chance to increase its fight against fibromyalgia symptoms. By doing a cleanse you can release toxins from your body and increase your ability to fight the day to day symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

The Undervalued Organ

The colon, or large intestine, is probably the most undervalued organ in the human body. Measuring 1.5 meters in length, the colon’s primary job is to store and remove wastes from the body and maintain the water balance. It also absorbs some vitamins, including vitamin K.Because most people eat a low fiber diet full of processed foods, and constipation, gas and bloating are common. Eating a high fiber diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes can often improve digestion and elimination. Colon cleansing takes this to a new level by fully evacuating the colon and improving the elimination of harmful wastes and toxins.

Digestive System Cleanse?

A cleanse is the process of riding your digestive system of the toxins that are currently held in there. This includes cleaning out the bowel, kidneys and liver with a diet rich in nutrients. A cleanse has the ability to rapidly rid your body of toxins, this process allows you to restart your immune system and digestive systems with a clean slate.

There are a variety of cleanses available, some of which will involve taking additional vitamins, or juicing vegetables. A digestive system cleanse should not be started without first consulting your doctor as it can be dangerous if you have certain medical conditions.


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Homemade Colon Cleansing Diet

The purpose of any colon cleansing system is to aid the body in completely evacuating the contents of the colon. To do this, you’ll need to gently add high fiber foods to the diet. During this diet, be sure to drink as much clean, fresh, pure water as possible to move waste products easily through the colon.


  • >If you have any serious medical conditions, be sure to consult your physician before starting on any cleansing program. Do not embark on this plan if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • >Use only organic foods during a cleansing diet.
  • >Drink as much water as you can, but no less than 8-10 glasses per day and a large glass of water with psyllium products.
  • >Do not stay on a colon cleansing diet for more than three consecutive days.
  • >Choose a time when you can rest at home, and not worry about needing a bathroom at inconvenient moments!

Removing Toxins Helps

For people suffering with fibromyalgia, removing toxins from the digestive system can help decrease muscle stiffness and pain. When your body is full of toxins, much of your day to day efforts are spent in trying to rid your body of toxins and not much time is left to reduce inflammation and pain.

As you rapidly increase your intake of positive elements through a vegetable juice cleanse, for example, your body no longer has to spend energy on toxic cleanup. Instead your toxins are washed away in your digestive track through the cleanse. Removing these toxins releases your cells to fill up with the positive ingredients from your cleanse, such as the vitamins and minerals in your vegetable juices. Drinking plenty of water during the cleanse will also aid in removing the toxins quickly.

Cleanse for Health

Nearly a century ago, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg said, “90% of diseases are due to the improper functioning of the colon.” Holistic health practitioners often think of cleansing the colon as a cornerstone of holistic health. By ridding the body of excess waste, and helping the colon to function more effectively at ridding toxins from the body, you will rejuvenate the entire system.

A homemade colon cleansing diet involves simple changes of diet that help the colon rid itself of excess waste. Many people eating the common SAD (Standard American Diet) do not consume enough fiber to adequately evacuate the wastes of digestion. The result is constipation, incomplete evacuation of waste products, and stagnation within the digestive system. A homemade colon cleansing diet aids in the complete evacuation of the colon in a safe, natural way.

Types of Cleanses

Juice cleanse

There are hundreds of types of cleanses available with some having strict guidelines and others very loose guidelines. The main cleanses that are used are vegetable or juice cleanses and chemical cleanses. The juice cleanse involves juicing fresh vegetables and fruits to infuse your body with a massive amount of pure nutrition.

It is recommended to not eat or drink anything else during a juice cleanse to allow your body to concentrate on ridding itself of toxins. Juicing cleanses are typically done for 3 to 10 days, but some people have done them for much longer periods.

Chemical cleanse

Another type of cleanse is a chemical cleanse. With this type of cleanse the person ingests pills, herbs and other natural products to induce the body to release the toxins. This type of cleanse is usually done in conjunction with a specific eating plan, such as only eating vegetables. Some people also do an enema, or colon cleanse, with a chemical cleanse to help rid the toxins from the body.

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