Fibromyalgia Resources

Long Term Outcomes of Fibromyalgia

Long term outcomes of fibromyalgia

People suffering fibromyalgia syndrome or, chronic fatigue syndrome, were more liable to lose their job or property, or have issues with support from family and friends, than people with other fatigue-related disorders. This confounding situation can make you feel dependent.

The long-term health effects of fibromyalgia differ from person to person and every person show different response to these effects. In many cases, fibromyalgia never goes away. Unlike other painful conditions such as osteoarthritis, the most common cause of joint pain. Fibromyalgia is not a progressive disease. It doesn’t cause tissues in the body to wear away. For this reason, the symptoms of fibromyalgia may not worsen over time.

Some may get better with time. You can manage fibromyalgia effectively over your life span by working close to your doctor. Leaving work and the resulting isolation and inactivity can lead to individuals focusing more on the pain, and cause issues with self-esteem and fear of the work environment, as well as creating financial and family problems.,

Chronic illness touches many parts of your life, it impose limits and bring symptoms that stays for a long time. It affects your ability to work, your relationships, your moods, your hopes and dreams for the future, and even your sense of who you are. Its effects are so wide-ranging that it is very hard to manage it. Living with CFS or fibromyalgia means much more than managing symptoms.

Some people with fibromyalgia syndrome have problems with work, while others have to change jobs or give up working because of their illness. Read Here the secrets of people who can’t work due to fibromyalga. Illness increases stress. But stress, in turn, can make symptoms worse. Even small amounts of stress can greatly strengthen symptoms, creating a feedback loop in which symptoms and our reaction to them make stronger one another.

Fibromyalgia syndrome does not cause harm to joints, muscles and internal organs and it is not lethal too. However, it is a long-term disorder. In some cases, stress-induced fibromyalgia can pass on unexpectedly if the stress is removed. The physical effects of fibromyalgia are different for everyone, but all folks with fibro have one thing in common: endless aches and pains. Your muscles might have dull pain like you’ve just held your own in a bike race against Lance Armstrong. You may feel like an invisible criminal is stabbing your joints.  

Some people with fibromyalgia have scorching pain in the back, neck, and chest, along with headaches and TMJ pain (in the jaw). Women with fibromyalgia bear painful periods with severe cramping. Some physical effects of fibromyalgia are constant and never stop until you start treatment while other symptoms come and go.

The emotional reactions due to long term illness may intensify in CFS and fibromyalgia, because these illnesses seem to make people labile, meaning that their emotions are stronger than before and harder to control.

The potency of emotions can create a ferocious cycle in which illness intensifies emotions and then emotions, in turn, make symptoms stronger. Some people with fibromyalgia reported that their condition had a major effect on life decisions, including whether to remain in a relationship, start a new one, or change jobs.

Many people with fibromyalgia reported that their pain have strong impact on their parental duties, making it difficult to manage their kids’ schedules, enjoy their kids’ milestones and spending time with them. They also say the illness makes it more difficult to manage the household.

Some experts suggest that rather than leaving work, a short leave of absence can help people come to terms with the illness and its limitations, and learn, perhaps through counseling, how to deal with it and still maintain as much of a normal life as possible.

Relationship problems, like not feeling understood or worry about being dumped, create new stresses that in turn make symptoms worse. Illness affects finances by reducing income. Financial worries then increase stress, which translates into higher symptoms. Also its causes in marriage due to sex issues. Read More on how to work around low libido in fibro pain Here

Many people concerned about caring for a child, some wondered whether they have ability to go through childbirth or not, and many had worries about loss of more sleep after having a baby. Fibromyalgia syndrome is not lethal; however, it is a long-term disorder.

In some cases, stress-induced fibromyalgia can remit spontaneously if the stress is removed. Chronic illness affects relationships in a diversity of ways create new obligations and also new stresses and frustrations. You may be single and struggle alone with your illness.

Even if you live with a family, you may feel isolated and not understood. All family members are challenged to live differently; some may have to assume additional responsibilities. Relationships can be a huge support or stress as well.

 How to improve the outcomes

The Twelve Step movement that began with Alcoholics Anonymous offers further evidence of the power of people to help them. Groups in this tradition are based on the idea that people who share a common condition can band together to help one another.

Typically, groups of this type provide a set of ideas that help people regain control of their lives through the support, encouragement and inspiration of the group.

Psychological therapy, drug treatment, rest, exercise, multi faceted and incorporating self-management are the ultimate best managements of fibromyalgia. For venting, question answers, support and Discussion join the group “Living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness”. Those fibromyalgia sufferers who exercised had a better outcome than those who did not and they had managed fibromyalgia more efficiently.


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