Fibromyalgia Resources

Effect of Milk on Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Effect of Milk on Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Effect of Milk on Fibromyalgia Sufferers

There are several diseases, including Fibromyalgia, that are adversely affected by the ingestion of milk. These comprise asthma, diabetes, migraines, osteoporosis, prostate problems, rheumatoid arthritis, sinus conditions, tuberculosis, colon cancer, etc.

The problem of dairy for Fibromyalgia sufferers

There are between 25 to 27 different proteins contained in milk products. One primary protein called Casein and it creates over 80% of all the proteins in cow milk. This protein increases the creation of mucus and, also, thickens it. It is also a main component in industrial adhesives, adhesives that are used to assemble furniture because of its capability to make a strong bond.

The normal person ingests dairy or a dairy-related product 3 to 8 times a day, and given the role of Casein as a thickening agent, it makes logic that it would have an adverse effect on the human body’s organs, mainly the prostate, the lungs and the bowels. An additional key ingredient is Caso-morphine. Like its name would propose, this protein mimics the effects of an opiate, making you feel sleepy.

Also, it has the influence of making you feel groggy, tired, and encouraging feelings of depression. Given that several Fibromyalgia patients frequently complain of cognitive complications commonly called ‘Fibro fog’, it might make sense to consider the removal of milk from your diet, given that you do not want to worsen this cognitive impairment.

IGF-1 is a potent growth hormone that is present in both humans and cows, but in dairy this growth hormone is genetically particular to the cow. Lacto-albumin is a milk protein that the New England Journal of Medicine associated in the development of juvenile and adult diabetes.

Read More here: The Problem of dairy for Fibromyalgia sufferers

What Other Things Does Dairy do to Fibromyalgia Patients?

One more main problem with dairy products is that they usually have the residue of several health aids given the cows to assist them grow. These contain over 50 hormones and 50 individual antibiotics. Also, dairy products frequently contain pesticides and herbicides like dioxin.

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Another difficulty is that bacteria and viruses often survive the pasteurization procedure, which can be specifically unsafe for Fibromyalgia patients who already have weakened immune systems. Blood, feces, and pus actually make it into dairy products, as well. The way this come about is that over-milked cows experience breakdowns of their udders, developing wounds which become infected.

This scum often makes its way into milk, as it actually cannot be strained out efficiently. With all of that said, there is no conclusive scientific proof that ingestion of dairy actually increases pain. But, having observed some of the bad and apparently toxic ingredients contained in dairy products, it is not irrational to determine that they could be provoking your Fibromyalgia symptoms.

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> Why an Ice Cream is Poison for People With Fibromyalgia
> Chocolate and Fibromyalgia – Surprising Health Benefits

How to Test if You Are Dairy Sensitive

Try removing dairy from your diet for 7 to 10 days. Keep a food journal and notice how your body reacts to this dietary adjustment. At the end of the 10 days take specific account of your body and your health. Do you feel lighter? Is it easier to move? Do you feel more calm and soothing? Obviously, without solid assenting scientific proof, we would not need to advocate for the removal of dairy.

What is essential to appreciate is that milk and the foods that have milk also comprise a variety of proteins, growth hormones and other apparently toxic substances that are worth observing in terms of their possible harmful effect on your Fibromyalgia pain

What Can Fibro Patients Use to Substitute Milk?

We certainly realize that in the meeting notes from your diet can be challenging. That said, there are some milk replacements you should examine. And not all of them are bad-tasting.

> Soymilk is usually used as a dairy replacement. It originates from the soybean and performs similarly to milk, but with the additional advantage of not having all of the nasty growth hormones and other contaminated chemicals in it. > Almond milk is an additional substitute.

Absolutely, take the time to look around and compare several milk alternatives. There are a number of them available and they are made by diverse brands. You may want to find a dairy substitute that is little in calories, or one that has a specific flavor, but the next time you are in your local grocery store make certain to check what choices are offered.

As we have said, we do not want to tell you to remove milk, but we do ask to investigate and observe how milk interacts with your Fibromyalgia symptoms. This is a decent way of defining the part dairy might play in your Fibromyalgia symptoms.Reference

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