Fibromyalgia Resources

Muscle Relaxants that Helps to Treat Fibromyalgia Pain

Muscle Relaxants that Helps to Treat Fibromyalgia Pain

Muscle Relaxants that Helps to Treat Fibromyalgia Pain

The disorder of Fibromyalgia leaves its victims in chronic pain that is unbearable to say the least. The long-term condition has no known cure with only possible treatment is treating the symptoms and trying to reduce the pain. However, the pain is still relentless. Different techniques have been used to help manage the pain. One such is using muscle relaxants. Muscle Relaxants are the pain medications commonly used to provide relief to people who are suffering from pain.

So, we asked our Facebook community “Living With Fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness” if they knew of any Muscle relaxants to ease the pain of Fibro. We hope their answers might help our fibromyalgia resources website readers who suffer from Fibro or know someone who does.

Here is what community shares with us related to muscle relaxants for fibro:

1. Flexeril really helps me. I take a 10mg tablet when I start feeling the tightness and pain. – Toni B

2. I was on clonozepam for 2 years it helped me loads plus magnesium and tonic water – Sasha G

3. Aleve or guaifenesin (Mucinex). Don’t know why it works but it helps with muscle pain. – Sharon N

4. I used to take cyclobenzaprine 3 times a day when I was on narcotics it helped and I didn’t have any side effects I had tried others that just made me sick so I stuck with what worked but I’ve been off of them and narcotics for 5 years now I only take lyrica and amitriptyline and for the most part it seems to help more than muscle relaxants and narcotics – Allisha P

5. I’m on tizanidine on top of my normal robaxin/methocarbamol – Natalie M

6. I had to come off all meds but mag and tonic water/bitter lemon really help ( has to have quinine in but watch out for headaches as not everyone can tolerate but I drink it a glass or 2 when in most pain) – Mona

7. Robaxin was the only one that helped, and didn’t make me spacey. Volume helped the pain, I not sure if it’s bc it helped calm my brain, and in return it helped my muscles but I gave up all forms of anxiety meds so that’s off limits to me. – Tara S

8. Baclofen, I also take a malic acid and magnesium combination sold on amazon – Cindy P, Joline T, Leslie H

9. I was taking Soma for over 12 years until I found out it’s a schedule IV drug and not intended for long term use! Been taking robaxin for a couple months now and it’s working very well! Best thing for me is Savella though! – Pam A

10. Flexiril, Robaxin, Baclofen, and oddly enough…Valium. I take 1/2 of a Valium before bed and another 1/2 if things are bad in the wee small hours of the morning. It’s been used off label for muscle spasms for awhile. And for me…it has the least “hangover” affect the next day. It was suggested by my primary physician. – Pamela L

11. Tizanidine is the only that helps a little. I use 2mg during the day and 4mg at night – Mary S

12. I take Cymbalta, Flexeril and Gabapentin. Pain is much better and so are flare ups. – Johanna W

13. Hot bath, Arnica bath soak wipes me out sleep for a few hours – Shirley G

14. I use medical marijuana, just started a couple months ago but it seems to be helping, and I’ve never tried it before it became legal and my doc suggested it!! – Wanda L

15. Yes a hot water bottle I know it sounds stupid or not caring but put heat on a pain and it confuses the brain and it only thinks about the heat also codeine and amitriptyline – Sherrilee N

16. I meditate I know it sounds a bit new age but I am not a bit like that and I have found meditation and mindfulness help a lot with muscles the only other thing is cannabis which is often not an option. There are lots of free apps for meditation and mindfulness – Diane B

17. I take flexeril or THC/CBD. Toradol works also but its a shot so gotta go to ER – Misty K

18. I use cbd products mixture of massage oil, balms, or inhaling the CBD , CBD bath or taking the pill form that helps alot from time to time – David M

19. I use Kava. It is made from a plant from the Polynesian Islands…I buy mine from Amazon…They have a lot of different brands…it is a natural muscle relaxer…it is great for anxiety, is a good sleep aid, and stops my restless leg syndrome right in it’s track….the prices are pretty good too… – Mickey M

20. Am on diazepam as unable to take anti inflammatories which works v effectively for me however it does come with side effects that’ll differ person to person x – Ruth D

To summarize, most of people recommends flexeril as the best muscle relaxant, but here are the few short suggestions summary:

Also Read: These 6 Muscle Relaxant May Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

Share your thoughts with us, related to these muscle relaxants, and if you want to add on to the list, let us know in the comments below. Also share it with your friends or other social groups to spread the awareness.

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