Fibromyalgia Resources

Skin Wounds Not Healing Due to Fibromyalgia?

According to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), fibromyalgia is defined as a history of pain in all four quadrants of the body lasting more than 3 months, Pain in all four quadrants means that you have pain in both your right and left sides, as well as above and below the waist.

The ACR also described 18 characteristic tender points on the body that is associated with fibromyalgia. In order to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a person must have 11 or more tender points. When you first get a wound, blood platelets stick together, forming a clot.

Then a scab forms over the wound to allow the skin cells underneath time to heal. The new skin cells go to work multiplying, repairing damaged blood vessels, and using infection-fighting white blood cells to attack any germs. However, if any of these elements are not functioning properly inside of your body, the healing process may not happen as it should. Fibromyalgia causes “central sensitization” which results in pain amplification.

Effect of fibromyalgia on healing process

if our blood and skin cells do not work the way they should, it is a logical conclusion that we are not able to recover from a cut or a scratch at the same speed as someone with healthy cells. Researchers know that fibromyalgia patients have several abnormalities related to the skin, they’re prone to tissue over-growth, such as skin tabs, adhesions and fatty tumors called lipomas, many of them bruise and scar easily. 

Clearly, something is misfiring in their cells.  Emerging research increasingly suggests that they have mitochondrial dysfunction. This could explain many of our symptoms, including slow healing, in addition to increased scarring and bruising. It is also found that scratches, stings, bruises etc take longer to heal, and a cold can last over a month. Bruises are not only slow to heal, but always left a ‘dark’ patch behind where they had been.

Some people do not heal at all and develop big thick overgrown scar called keloids, the scar may look like a burn. It takes a long time to heal as well as many scars do get thick too. Are you eating well and especially getting enough protein? That’s important for wound healing. Also, have you had your blood sugar checked recently? Slow wound healing can be a sign of diabetes.

Your slow healing may be due to diabetes

Diabetes and slow healing wounds. High levels of blood glucose caused by diabetes can, over time, affect the nerves (neuropathy) and lead to poor blood circulation, making it hard for blood needed for skin repair – to reach areas of the body affected by sores or wounds.

In people with diabetes, wounds tend to heal more slowly and progress more quickly, so it’s important to know what to look out for. Your blood sugar level is the main factor in how quickly your wound will heal. When your blood sugar level is higher than normal, it prevents your immune system from functioning efficiently, increases inflammation in the body’s cells and prevents nutrients and oxygen from energizing cells.

Many people who have diabetes also have problems with immune system activation. The number of immune fighter cells sent to heal wounds, and their ability to take action, is often reduced. If your immune system can’t function properly, wound healing is slower and your risk of infection is higher.

How to help healing process

Regularly changing dressings can help reduce bacteria and maintain appropriate moisture levels in the wound. Doctors often recommend special wound care dressings. Pressure can cause wear and tear that damages the skin and leads to a deeper wound or ulcer so keep pressure off the area.

Necrosis (dead cells) and excess tissue often occur with diabetic wounds. This can promote bacteria and toxins and increase wound infection. It can also prevent you from being able to inspect the underlying tissue. Your doctor will often help you with the removal process.

Catching wounds early is the key to avoiding infections and complications. Make sure you do daily self-check and look for new wounds, especially on your feet. Don’t forget to check in between and under your toes.

Diet has a direct influence on blood sugar levels, so maintaining proper nutrition is key. If you can consistently maintain healthy glucose levels, you’re more likely to avoid wounds and heal faster should a wound occur. Cardiovascular health is important to maintaining good circulation for both the healing of existing wounds and prevention of future wound development. Stop smoking to improve circulation and overall health.

Vitamin D deficiency may be the cause of slow healing

One of the biggest reasons for slow wound healing is lack of vitamin D. Even the government is now coming out and telling people to up their vitamin D. D3 is the most bio available D. It’s suggested to take 1000mg a day. Many people can’t do that right away because D also helps fight our viruses, and get a toxin reaction.

Then it’s suggested to start at 200mg/day and work up to 1000mg/day. Vitamin D is very cheap. Be aware of your body, especially if you experience diabetic neuropathy. Regularly check for open wounds or pressure points that could develop into a wound. Watch for signs of infection. Seek the medical attention of your primary care physician or other health care professional if you develop any areas of concern.

Lysine is an essential amino acid and can help speed up the healing process. Talk with your doctor or do research to insure it is okay for you to take and won’t interfere with any medication or supplements you are taking.


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