Lymph nodes or lymph glands Lymph nodes, or lymph glands, are a key part of the body’s immune system for fighting illness; …
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Lymph nodes or lymph glands Lymph nodes, or lymph glands, are a key part of the body’s immune system for fighting illness; …
My lifelong experience with fibromyalgia has seen me slide up and down this continuum. My energy is often spent trying desperately to …
Nap is when our body refreshes itself; no sleep no reconstruction. Poor sleep is the primary symptom many ME/CFS and FM doctors …
I often see various ideas thrown around as “cures” for fibromyalgia. As someone who’s lived with chronic pain for more than a …
It’s estimated that 9 in 10 adults have been infected with Epstein-Barr virus at some point in their lives. For most people, the virus …
Pelvic pain and trigger points Pelvic muscles and the multi-layered muscles of the pelvic floor keep our organs where they should be. …
Over 5 million people affects by fibromyalgia in the U.S also the numbers are keep on increasing. There are numerous uncomfortable signs …
According to a recent study Fibromyalgia can be a significant obstacle to sexual health among affected women. It underscored that a lack …
Epidural injections have been used for low back problems since 1952 and still they are an important part of non-surgical treatment for …
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