I stood in my closet this morning, looking all over the place as though I had never been there. I could not …
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I stood in my closet this morning, looking all over the place as though I had never been there. I could not …
A feeling of being exhausted all the time, difficulties with memory and focus, Trouble sleeping, Diarrhea and/or constipation. These can all be …
When I meet with physicians and families about someone with chronic pain, the question I often hear is, “Does he or she …
Maybe you have heard somewhere from tv or any doctor that fibromyalgia is caused by over-activity of pain sensing nerves. It’s true, …
Most of people don’t believe on fibromyalgia, they say its all in your head. You also have faced such people in your …
Living with fibromyalgia is incredibly frustrating and painful. Fibro can be exhausting both physically and emotionally, to cope with all the fibro symptoms on …
Nobody feel awesome for being not able to work for the family. Due to nature of illness we have, continuing job will …
Angela Wise has expressed her views on the Facebook page “Everything Fibromyalgia” about the different stages of fibromyalgia. A lot of us …
Since I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I have seen my family relationships change more than any other relationships in my life. Friends …
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