Substance P role in fibromyalgia Substance P is a neurotransmitter, or brain chemical, that stimulates pain receptors in the body. If a …
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Substance P role in fibromyalgia Substance P is a neurotransmitter, or brain chemical, that stimulates pain receptors in the body. If a …
Unrelenting runny noses, Body-rocking sneezes, the itchiest eyeballs, ever. Allergy season comes with annoying side effects that affect a ton of us. …
Fibromyalgia is a riddle and not many can solve it. In fact, nobody can solve it completely, as nobody knows exactly what …
Dear Miserable Human Being, Hi, my name is Fibromyalgia, and I’m an invisible chronic illness. I am now ‘velcroed’ to you for life. Others …
History of fibromyalgia Some people believe fibromyalgia is a new condition, nut it has existed for centuries. It was once considered a …
This Massage Technique May Decrease Pain With Fibromyalgia Confirmation signifying the exclusive pain of fibromyalgia may curtail mainly from the fascia has …
Yesterday member of one of our group “Living with fibromyalgia and Chronic Illness” shared this story with us and ask it to …
Winter bugs are tough for anyone to deal with, but are especially hard for someone with a long-term disease like fibromyalgia syndrome, …
There are lots of theories on the internet related to causes of fibromyalgia. All of the theories have some rationale behind and …
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