The lack of inflamamtory findings The diagnosis of fibromyalgia (FM) is considered when patients complain of diffuse muscle and soft tissue pain …
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The lack of inflamamtory findings The diagnosis of fibromyalgia (FM) is considered when patients complain of diffuse muscle and soft tissue pain …
Fibromyalgia is primarily known for causing widespread pain, fatigue, and other symptoms, but it can also have effects on the eyes. Many …
Since fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, patients typically struggle with chronic pain, fatigue, and cognitive disturbances in their daily lives. …
For over two decades I have had Fibromyalgia, brought on by my 23 years undiagnosed Lyme disease. I started taking Borax Three …
Researchers have identified that autoimmune disease can be caused by: 1) a combination of genetic components2) Metals (including those used in medical …
What are Microglia cells? “It’s not about what the FDA-approved treatments directly target. Fibromyalgia is about neuroinflammation in the central nervous system …
Cognitive dysfunction also called fibro fog or brain fog is one of the most common complaints of people with fibromyalgia (FMS) and …
Fibromyalgia is frequently misinterpreted as a pain disorder, but it actually comprises a broad range of symptoms that can have a significant …
Recently I was watching one of my favorite TV shows, The Golden Girls. Even though I’ve seen the show hundreds of times, …
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