Fibromyalgia cause chronic pain to its patients for their entire lifetimes. This pain can be in different parts of the body. It …
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Fibromyalgia cause chronic pain to its patients for their entire lifetimes. This pain can be in different parts of the body. It …
While fibromyalgia it can’t kill you in a few seconds, a heart attack can. Symptoms that are very similar to a heart attack can …
The lack of inflamamtory findings The diagnosis of fibromyalgia (FM) is considered when patients complain of diffuse muscle and soft tissue pain …
According to research fibromyalgia is associated with high risk of coronary heart disease and stroke; they compared fibromyalgia patients with the individuals …
What is magnesium? “Magnesium is a mineral that our bodies rely on to feel fit, healthy and full of vitality. It is …
Paresthesia We’ve all had that feeling of “pins and needles” after your leg has “fallen asleep.” Or maybe you have been awakened …
Heat Sensitivity in Fibromyalgia Changing seasons can wreak havoc on the pain levels and the overall sense of wellness of people with …
Polyphenols are phytochemicals, meaning compounds found abundantly in natural plant food sources that have antioxidant properties. There are over 8,000 identified polyphenols …
Epidural injections have been used for low back problems since 1952 and still they are an important part of non-surgical treatment for …
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