Fibromyalgia Resources

12 Signs of Fibromyalgia Most People Miss

Signs of Fibromyalgia Most People Miss

Signs of Fibromyalgia Most People Miss

FM is a common chronic disorder that is characterized by prevalent pain, among other symptoms. It can cause extreme pain and tiredness, meddling with a one’s ability to perform their day-to-day activities. While the causes of fibromyalgia are unidentified, it is estimated that it affects five million Americans ages eighteen or older. Research has revealed that FM patients usually see numerous different physicians before receiving their diagnosis. The symptoms of FM often mimic other health problems, which can make it tough to diagnose. Understanding the symptoms can assist a patient identify their diagnosis quicker, so they can discover a technique to manage their discomfort and pain.

Here are some signs of fibromyalgia you should never overlook:

1. Migraines

For many migraine victims, nothing could be more obvious than the extreme headaches, which are typically characterized by extreme pulsing or throbbing and can be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, or sensitivity to sound and light. But some people may get migraines without even knowing it. Occasionally migraine symptoms can be very intense, where the patient can even develop paralysis, and other times they can be quite subtle. Patients might feel lightheaded or dizzy or feel a vague discomfort in their heads, and oftentimes they will get treated with prescription that might not be appropriate for a true migraine. A neurologist should be able to forget about other possibilities, and make the proper diagnosis. Click here to read “How Daith Piercing relieve Chronic Migraine and Fibro”.

2. Poor Sleep Quality

FM can make it hard for a patient to get a sound sleep. Studies have shown irregular brain activity in FM patients during rest. This erratic brain activity, along with stiffness or pain, can cause poor quality sleep. Click here to read “few tips for coping sleep challenges in fibro”

3. Finger Spasms and Toe Spasms

Arterial seizures of the toes or hands is a fairly common symptom of FM. It can result from exposure to the stress or cold. The regions that are affected will grow a pale or blue tint. Arterial spasms are accompanied by pain as well.

4. Depression

Anyone who has ever fought even a temporary bout of this mentally deteriorating and exhausting disorder knows it is serious. But for those suffering from depression on a persistent basis, they may wonder if there may be something more to their diagnosis. “One of FM’s key symptoms is depression, so it is not surprising for a person to think they may have fibromyalgia after months or years of experiencing the devastating effects of depression,” says Dr. Lowenstein.

“So it is even more confusing for patients to know that the two conditions can occur correspondingly.” In fact, about twenty percent of patients suffering from fibromyalgia also suffer from a depression or anxiety disorder, reports the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. If you know that you are suffering from depression, but are not sure fibromyalgia could also be at play, talk to your doctor about monitoring your symptoms. Use these tips to overcome depression naturally. Click here to read more.


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5. Hypothyroidism

This is a disorder caused by an abnormally low amount of activity in the thyroid, the gland in your neck responsible for controlling your body’s metabolism. Because of an underproduction of hormones, a person experiences unexplained weight gain, low energy, greater sensitivity to cold, depression, and slow heart rate, among other symptoms. “Many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism coincide with those of fibromyalgia, so it can be challenging to distinguish the two just by analyzing symptoms,” says Dr. Wei. Your doctor can do a blood test to see if your thyroid hormone levels are healthy.  Here are other subtle symptoms you have got a thyroid problem.

6. Fibromyalgia Fog

FM victims may experience a brain fog. Trouble focusing and struggle with short term memory can be symptoms of FM. Common feelings of forgetfulness, confusion and lack of mental clarity may arise as well. Read More here

7. Sensitivity to Temperature

Patients with FM usually have a challenging time regulating their body temperature. They might feel extreme cold or extreme heat when the temperature has not changed considerably.

8. Polymyalgia rheumatic

In addition to the fact that the two conditions (Fibromyalgia & Polymyalgia rheumatic) both have “myalgia” in their name, they are also accompanied by similar symptoms. Polymyalgia rheumatic, normally referred to as PMR, is characterized by widespread stiffness and aching, and just like FM, it is not usually indicative of physical symptoms that could show up on an X-ray. “In addition to chronic pain, polymyalgia rheumatic is known to cause achy joints and trouble sleeping,” says Dr. Lederman.

“One main differentiator from fibromyalgia is that it is most common in adults over the age of fifty, mostly affecting those in their seventy’s and eighty’s.” If you are older than fifty and are going through these symptoms mentioned, ask your doctor to monitor you for polymyalgia rheumatic. “While it is hard to diagnose polymyalgia rheumatic, your doctor can test your blood for high inflammation, which is typically a sign of the condition,” says Dr. Lederman.

8. Abnormal Digestion

Symptoms of FM can contain diarrhea, constipation, and swelling. Nearly forty to seventy percent of patients who are suffering from FM experience symptoms similar to GERD, Acid Reflux and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

9. Head to Toe Pain

Nearly ninety-seven percent of patients suffering from FM experience pain through their entire body. FM pain is usually defined as “deep, throbbing, sharp or aching.” This kind of pain is usually constant, and unresponsive to over-the-counter pain prescription.

11. Body Stiffness

Most of the patients who suffer from FM experience body stiffness. This generally happens in the morning. The stiff feeling is similar to those who suffering from arthritis. It may fade within ten to fifteen minutes, or it might last most of the day.

12. Numbness, Swelling or Tingling

A lot of FM victims experience a needles and pins sensation. This usually take place in the feet, arms, legs and hands, a disorder known as paresthesia. For some patients, these feelings could only last for a while. For other patients, the feelings can last a lot longer.


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