Fibromyalgia Patients at Higher Risk of Developing Peptic Ulcer Disease

by M G Rana, MD.

Peptic ulcers are erosions of the tissues coating the upper digestive tract, mainly the stomach and first part of the small intestine. They are often caused by a bacterial infection that compromises your defense against the acid produced in the stomach. The erosion may pierce fully through the stomach or intestinal wall, following in tear and the spillage of acid and other stuffing into the abdominal cavity.

The first symptom of a perforated peptic ulcer is usually intense and severe pain. The experience is so drastic; you’ll remember exactly when it happened, where you were, what you were doing, and even the exact words being spoken by a companion or on television. The pain is at its maximum immediately and persists, being worsened by movement, jostling, touching, coughing or sneezing. You may also experience fainting, excessive sweating and a rapid heartbeat. Someone with a perforated ulcer lies quietly and breathes shallowly.

He may be pale and clammy, and the heart rate is likely to be rapid. The abdomen is rigid to the touch and tender. Light tapping on the abdomen will often produce a hollow, drumlike sound. The diagnosis can be confirmed with a simple x-ray showing abnormal gas collections inside the abdomen. Although perforation may be the first symptom of peptic ulcer disease, it is often preceded for days or weeks by milder symptoms. Pain between the breastbone and the navel may occur when the stomach is empty and may be relieved with antacids.

The pain may come and go and may be worse at night. Dark, tarry bowel movements or the passage of what appear to be coffee grounds may signal bleeding from a peptic ulcer. Patients getting fibromyalgia treatment showed 1.6 times greater danger of PUD development compared to 1.5 times of those not getting treatment. This result was not significantly affected by the type of treatment received, suggesting that the drugs prescribed were not responsible for ulcer occurrence.

Most of the medicine you were taking can tear your stomach up if you are sensitive to aspirin-type products. Symptoms include extreme nausea, almost passing out, loss of weigh, throwing up blood and could not eat anything spicy whatsoever. Stomach ulcer is found among people with Fibromyalgia, particularly for people who are feminine, 60+ old, take medication Lyrica and have ache.


Eat several meals per day to reduce the burden on the digestive system and relieve ulcer symptoms. An increase in fiber can repair ulcers, aim for 30 grams per day. Green leafy vegetables supply Vitamin K that can aid restore damage caused by too a large amount of stomach acid. Good bacteria in the gut can help prevent H. pylori infection.  Add kimchi, kefir, or unsweetened yogurt to your diet. Using essential oils of peppermint and frankincense are effective natural remedies for ulcer relief. Put in 2 drops of peppermint oil and frankincense oil to your water 2x daily until symptoms are gone.

Honey is far from simply sweet. Depending on the plant it’s derived from, honey can contain up to 200 elements, including polyphenols and other antioxidants. Honey is an influential antibacterial and has given way to hinder H. pylori development. As long as you have normal blood sugar levels, you can enjoy honey as you would any sweetener, with the bonus of soothing your ulcers. Cranberry is known for its capability to fight urinary tract infections by blocking bacteria from settling on the walls of the bladder. 

Cranberry and cranberry extract also may help fight H. pylori. You can drink unsweetened cranberry juice, eat cranberries, or take cranberry supplements. H. pylori development is slowed down by fresh sliced garlic in salads. If you don’t like the taste (and lingering aftertaste) of garlic, you can take garlic extract in supplemental form. Garlic acts as a blood thinner, so ask your doctor before taking it if you use warfarin or other prescription blood thinners. Licorice root can help arouse renewal of mucus membranes in the stomach and may assist holding back H. pylori. Aloe vera helps heal the intestinal lining.

Probiotics Helps recolonize the digestive tract with healthy bacteria and prevent infection. You can also take PRILOSEC or better yet, take its new form called NEXIUM which repairs damage already done to the stomach too. It will clear your stomach right up even if you do have an ulcer. The burning & hurting your stomach goes through will be gone almost immediately. CELEBREX is the stomachs’ worse enemy and so is aspirin. One other thing that can help you a lot is OTC medicine called Gavascon. They sell it at any local pharmacy.

You can use it in conjunction with any antacid and pump inhibitor, prevacid. It is chewable and tastes bad but it helps. A vitamin-rich food can assist your body repair your ulcer according to Mayo clinic. Foods containing polyphenols, an antioxidant, can protect you from ulcers and help ulcers heal.  Dried rosemary, Mexican oregano, dark chocolate, blueberries and black olives are polyphenol-rich foods.

What to avoid

Some foods can make ulcers worse, while some provide a preventive and healing effect. Oily and acidic foods are most expected to infuriate your stomach, as are spicy foods.
To reduce ulcer pain, avoid coffee, including decaf, salty red meats, aspirin products, deep fried foods, chilies and hot peppers, processed foods and alcohol.

Featured Image via: David Wolfe


  • Stomach Ulcer via Health Boards
  • Stomach ulcer via E Health Me

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