Using Detox to Treat Fibromyalgia

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Our modern lifestyle offers many conveniences, but there are also many factors that have a negative impact on our health. We come in contact with toxic compounds throughout the day: in our water, the food we eat the air we breathe, chemical cleaners in our homes, plastic storage containers, beauty products, and more.

When you come in contact with these toxins, they begin building up in your system because the natural cleansing organs are unable to keep up with the overload of waste. It is especially important to avoid toxic foods, because they can bog down the digestive system and slow the waste management functions even more.

Toxic foods include junk food, fast food, processed foods, or anything with unnatural ingredients. People often turn to a detox diet to cure fibromyalgia, and after following this diet for some time, they frequently feel healthier and at times even pain-free.

Detox Diet to Cure Fibromyalgia

A popular alternative is a detox diet to cure fibromyalgia. Does it work? Some people feel that a detox diet can bring better and longer term results than typical medicines. In simple language, a detox diet involves detoxifying the body of as many toxins as possible. Where do these toxins come from?

Generally, toxins occur from various sources, such as unhealthy foods, polluted air, and even items that are used on a daily basis, such as aluminum pans. There isn’t a magical pill that will rid the body of these toxins, but by following a specific diet you may be able to eliminate many of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. At the same time, you need to look at the world around you and try to limit your exposure to toxins.

Flushing toxins help to alleviate the stress

Flushing toxins help to alleviate the stress that is put on the body. When the toxin level is high within your body, the major organs and natural functions can have a hard time working correctly. It is similar to over-filling a garbage can: the garbage can works effectively to do the job of holding the garbage until it needs to be taken out to the dumpster.

But, if the can is full and you continue putting garbage on top, it will overflow onto the floor and cause a bigger mess to clean up. Similarly, your body can effectively clean up low levels of toxins, but bigger problems begin to develop if the natural functions in the body can’t keep up with an influx of toxic substances.

Cleansing the digestive system

Cleansing the digestive system is one of the best things that you can do for your body, because a clean digestive tract is more effective at dealing with toxic load on an ongoing basis. The cleanse helps to reset your body, so that your body can keep up by getting rid of the waste instead of letting the toxins weigh you down and cause fibromyalgia pain.

Listen to what your body is telling you, because you are experiencing those symptoms for a reason. You are in pain, you can’t sleep, sometimes your head is so foggy you can’t even compose a coherent thought, let alone a sentence. Your body is out of line, and it needs to be corrected. A detox is a great first step to this correction and something every person with fibromyalgia should try.

Effects of initial detox diet

Don’t be surprised if your body goes into a bit of shock once you begin the detox diet to cure fibromyalgia. It will take it a little while to adjust, and in the meantime, you may experience diarrhea, headaches, and nausea. It is absolutely essential that you contact your doctor before you embark on any new diet! Begin the diet slowly, instead of all at once.

Start by changing the type of meat you eat from red meat to only white. Some diets call for an elimination of meat altogether, but again, do this gradually. Add more whole grains as you eliminate meat, dairy, and egg products. Don’t be surprised if you experience more fatigue and even crankiness in the first couple of weeks as you transition to this new diet. Eventually, however, your body will adjust; hopefully you’ll notice a marked difference in how you feel every day.

Detox program

I would recommend this detox programme for everybody. By the whole body being detoxed, you will feel rejuvenated and as well as feeling better in body you also feel better mentally. My husband is delighted with the results as well, he says that I look much better and of course the pain is gone, and he says that it was money well invested.

For the ordinary person who finds conventional medicine is not working for them I would recommend the detox programme. The body is an extraordinary organ, and when given the right conditions in which to heal it has the power to rejuvenate itself and I am proof that it does work.”

Have plenty of green vegetables

We also encourage incorporating broccoli, cauliflower, beets, onions, artichokes, garlic, sprouts, and any red or green vegetable to help continued toxin removal and encourage the body to react to the new diet.  Your symptoms of Fibromyalgia should start decreasing because of the lack of toxins and the beneficial vitamins and nutrients that are customized for the disease.

Things to avoid

Things to avoid are processed sugars, white flour, saturated fats, and preservatives. It is also important to cut down on dairy and egg products and eat more white meats in place of red.. Like with any diet, it will take time to make a lifestyle change with this detox and it may be a few weeks before your feel yourself combatting your Fibromyalgia symptoms. However, with commitment to the detox, your body will begin to rebuild and function with less pain and fatigue from the disease.


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